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Black History Month for Science Class - NGSS Practices
Women in Science Around the Room Gallery Walk- Women's History Month
Women's History Month - 5 Minute Daily Activities - Google Slides
Engineering Process, Scientific Method, and CER Science Posters for Classroom
Glow-Stick Kinetic Energy- CER and NGSS Practices
Digital Atoms and Molecules Modeling Kit / Google Slides
Cellular Respiration Interactive Google Slides
Intro to Cells Interactive Google Slides
Mitosis and Meiosis Digital Activities
Glow Science Party with Scientific Method and NGSS Integration
Intro to Graphing Interactive Google Slides - Bundle
Evolution Unit with Digital Google Activities and Project
Digital Ecosystems Unit Google Activities
Biomolecules Digital Activities - Google Compatible
Bundle of Digital Biology Interactive Google Slides
Bacteria and Viruses Interactive Google Slides
Digital Biology Bell-Ringers for the Year