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Looking for some engaging digital activities for your students to complete while learning about the human body systems? These digital slides include over 70 activities that students can complete in class, individually, and with peers! (PPT and Google Versions Included)


(See video preview for more details!)


These digital interactive notebook slides can be used as bell-ringers, during class instruction, or as an exit slip. Each slide includes rich content for students to be able to locate and review for exams. (Separate teacher answer key set of slides included.)


Activities Include:

Matching activities

Labeling activities

Illustration/drawing activities

Group activities/quick labs with data collection


Close reading with discussion questions

Online games

Videos with corresponding questions

Group & partner discussion questions

Microscope slides analysis

Online poll question with students around the world



Body Systems Covered Include:

Nervous system

Circulatory system

Digestive system

Endocrine system

Excretory system

Immune system

Integumentary system

Muscular system

Reproductive system

Respiratory system

Skeletal system

*Each body system includes 4 Google slides. Each slide includes at least one activity for students to complete. Great for Google Classroom!


Next Generation Science Standards:

MS-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.

MS-LS1-3 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

MS-LS1-5 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.

MS-LS1-7 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism.

MS-LS1-8 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.

HS-LS1-2 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.


*You will need a Google Drive account and internet access for these slides.

Human Anatomy and Body Systems - Digital Interactive Notebook

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